
26 mar 2012

B.O.W. zapatillas customizadas / Customized sneakers

Chicos y chicas, el whatever de B.O.W. ha vuelto con esta preciosidad, zapatillas customizadas. Este es el modelo carpa, pronto estará el modelo golondrina old school y muchos más. Animaros a visitar B.O.W. y vereis que guap@s vais esta primavera-verano.

Ladies and gentelmen, whatever from B.O.W. is back with these nice customized sneakers. This is the Koi fish model, but soon I´ll have the Swallow Old School model and much more. Come on, visit B.O.W. and you´ll see how nice you look this Spring-Summer.

1 comentario:

  1. coool shoes!!!

    Ofcourse you may post the waffle-video-post....
    I'm just glad you liked it ;)

