
4 mar 2012

Ya es primavera en B.O.W. / Spring has arrived to B.O.W.

Buenos días a todas y todos. Ya lo publiqué ayer en B.O.W. pero no tuve tiempo de publicarlo aquí asi que, aprovechando el madrugón sin ningún sentido que me he pegado, os muestro las nuevas creaciones para esta primavera 2012. Anillos, pulseras y collares, siguiendo la linea de la Colección Marinera. Espero que os guste ^_^

Good morning everyone. I posted it yesterday at B.O.W. but I didn´t have time to do it here so, taking advantage of the early start this morning for no reason, I show you the new creations for this Spring 2012. Rings, bracelets and necklaces, following the line of the Marine Collection. I hope you like it ^_^

Anillo / Ring

Pulsera / Bracelet

Collar / Necklace

4 comentarios:

  1. I love them all! I would wear any of them. Great colors too!

  2. Hi Sarah, thanx for your comment. You can buy them at my other blog: B.O.W. There is a link at Decoritzion.


  3. Me encantan! y los colores son geniales para el verano!
    Buen domingo!

